Detached Chain Stitch (Lazy Daisy Stitch)
The detached chain stitch, aka the lazy daisy stitch, is a simple teardrop shaped stitch that looks like a single flower petal. It is also the basic building block of the chain stitch.
Chain Stitch
A series of teardrop shaped stitches, the chain stitch can be used in lines or in filling shapes.
Blanket or Buttonhole Stitch
The blanket and buttonhole stitch have the same basic look, although they were created with different functions (reinforcing blanket edges or reinforcing buttonholes). I’m using the name interchangeably here since this is merely a decorative stitch.
Fly Stitch (or Detached Fly Stitch)
The fly stitch is a v-shaped stitch where the point is tacked down with a small stitch. Alternatively the stitch at the point can be elongated to make a y-shape for a fly stitch with a longer tail.