As I flip the calendar to August, I find I’m desperate to hold onto this last month of summer before the rush of fall (and eventually the holidays) overtakes me. It’s been a season of transition for my family and me and we want to be present in our todays, living them slowly and intentionally. With that has come a purposeful decision to spend less time in front of a screen, and more time in relationship and outdoors. Here are a dozen ways I’m going to slow down and savor this last month of my summer. I hope these ideas inspire you too!
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Simple Rituals for Inviting Contentment & Joy into a Bleak Winter Season
Shorter darker days, inclement weather, and keeping our credit cards and diets in check are limits of one sort or another that can make our worlds feel small in the new year. It’s in these moments that I find myself reaching for simple rituals of comfort that stir up gratitude and joy. If you struggle with these midwinter days, like I do, I hope you’ll read on as I share some winter rituals for inviting contentment and joy into your life as you wait for spring.
Read MoreThe Gift One Stay-at-Home-Mom Gave Herself
"I had forgotten how much I enjoyed this type of activity. The type that is slow and meditative, that forces a less frenzied pace, that lends itself to prayer and meditation, that begs for an accompanying mug of something warm and comforting while soft music plays. Had it really been that long since I’d given myself time like this? It had!
"What started out as a gift for someone else had become a gift to me."
Read MoreHow to Avoid Burnout: 5 Lessons from a Recovering Perfectionist
Without healthy boundaries, a sense of worth based on the right things, and regular self-care, burnout can happen to anyone, whether you're a stay-at-home-mom, a single executive or anything in between. The good news is you can do something to avoid it.
Read MoreCarve Out Some Creative Self-Care Time with this Free ‘Herbal Tea’ Embroidery Pattern!
This ‘Herbal Tea’ embroidery project is meant to help you carve out some creative time for you to treat yourself to a little self-care - just like a hot cuppa on a quiet morning before the demands of your day begin. Use it to learn something new, to make something beautiful, to exercise your creativity, to treat yourself, and to meditate on your own purpose, beauty and joy.
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