Straight Stitch

The simplest of stitches, a straight stitch is a single straight line.

Running Stitch

A great stitch for beginners, the running stitch has the appearance of a dashed line.


Back Stitch

One of the most often-used and versatile stitches, the back stitch is a basic embroidery stitch which is great for outlines, but can also be used as a fill stitch.

Split Stitch

Similar to the back stitch, in the split stitch the stitches are staggered and split, sometimes giving the appearance of a chain.



Pekinese Stitch

The pekinese stitch works off of a back stitch, adding a woven thread as a decorative element. It’s much easier than it might look!

Couching Stitch

Two needles and threads are usually used for couching. One thread is laid on the top of the fabric while the other is used to stitch it in place with little couching stitches.


Stem Stitch

As the name suggests, the stem stitch is popular for representing stems in florals and other plants. Similar to the back stitch, the stitches are slightly staggered, giving the appearance of the thread being twisted.

Fern Stitch

The fern stitch is a decorative line stitch often used to represent foliage.


Cross Stitch

Most often used in counted cross stitch on aida cloth, the cross stitch is simply an x-shaped stitch that can be incorporated decoratively with other embroidery stitches.

Coral Stitch

An intermediate stitch that can be used for outlining shapes, the coral stitch incorporates a knot into the line.


Double Running Stitch

A double running stitch is a running stitch done on both sides of a piece of fabric, which creates a sold line. The result is what looks like a back stitch on both the front and back of your fabric. It’s great for decorative elements as well as functional uses.
