Anyone who has been paying attention to the news in the last two years knows that the housing market has just been bonkers. My husband and I had been wanting to move out of our townhouse for awhile and just as we were getting ready to kick things into high gear, COVID happened. All the craziness of the pandemic pushed our house hunt timeline back quite a bit. 2020 became 2021. 2021 became 2022. In early 2022 we found a realtor and were ready to list our townhouse, but the market was so competitive and housing inventory so low, we had no idea what to expect when it came to buying a home.
Getting a buyer for our townhouse was the easy part. She was a first-time home buyer and perfect for us because she was willing to graciously wait while we looked for a home too. Our search in the spring of 2022 continued into the summer, then dragged into the fall. After repeatedly being outbid or being sorely disappointed with outrageous prices for fixer-uppers, we decided to take a leap of faith and close on our townhouse right before Christmas, even though we didn’t have a place of our own to move to.
Surrendering my own timeline for a house, yet again, and entering into a season of unknowns felt like dying a thousand deaths. I had long desired a home with more space for family and friends, and more land which my husband and I could turn into a homestead. But this dream seemed utterly impossible to achieve. And while my husband and I sensed God leading us to take this leap of faith and we were at peace with it, it was so hard seeing everything from our home moved into a giant storage unit for an unknown period of time.
But God was faithful to provide.
Though in December 2022 we didn’t have a home of our own, my sister and brother-in-law opened theirs to us. We moved in just before Christmas and became residents of their guest room with a small number of personal belongings (plus embroidery supplies!). Our routines looked completely different as we began sharing a house with four little boys and two other adults. And life became about living one day at a time and not planning too far ahead since we had no idea how long we would remain in this pause.
As we entered 2023 and the months peeled off of the calendar, the housing market became even more competitive and house prices pushed even higher. I truly began to doubt that we would ever find a home that we could afford, especially in New Jersey! But in the middle of my faith-wrestling, God was doing something. Not only was He building resilience in me, but He was also allowing me to build a closer relationship with my family, especially my four dear nephews. Not having children of my own, this became a precious gift and answer to prayer.
Even though we were now living with other people, it turned out that this season was also one of rest. Freed from the responsibilities of homeownership for a season, my husband and I had more time to take walks, explore local parks, go birdwatching and get away on weekends. As it turns out, God knows just what we need. I often fail to believe this truth because I cannot see the bigger picture. But God can, and His timing is perfect. Even when He takes me on a long detour, it’s for a good reason. The truth is God has my best in mind if I will simply trust Him.
And yes, God is always faithful to provide.
A rainbow beams over our sheds in the aftermath of a storm.
In April 2023, after losing yet another bid on a house, suddenly an opportunity opened to my husband and me. Our realtor had other clients who were selling a house that she thought would be perfect for us. A modest ranch. With a big basement. On two acres. Surrounded by preserved farmland. The sellers hadn’t listed the house yet and were willing to let us put an offer on it before it went on the market.
Well, I wish I could say I was immediately in love with this house. I wasn’t, but I had enough sense to realize that it was more out of fear than faith. We put in an offer. And it was accepted. Six months after we moved in with family, we found ourselves closing on a home of our own that we loved.
Our favorite view of the neighboring farm.
I can honestly say that living in our new home for just a few weeks, I am incredibly humbled that God has given us this beautiful place. It needs work and is far from perfect, but it embodies so much of what we have been dreaming of and checks so many of our boxes. From the rural location and the layout of the home to the beautiful property, wildlife, and proximity to friends, it is truly an amazing gift. To say we feel blessed is a vast understatement. I am so grateful that God challenged us to step out in faith and wait for His timing instead of settling for whatever we could find on our own. He is so good, and always faithful to provide.
These neighbors are frequent visitors to our yard. They have a thing for clover.
But this I call to mind, Therefore I have hope.
It is because of the Lord’s lovingkindnesses that we are not consumed,
Because His compassions never fail.
They are new every morning;
Great and beyond measure is Your faithfulness.
“The Lord is my portion and my inheritance,” says my soul;
“Therefore I have hope in Him and wait expectantly for Him.”
The Lord is good to those who wait for Him,
To those who seek Him.
Lamentations 3:21-25 AMP
Morris, the resident farm cat. He adopted us after we moved in.