There are so many fabulous stitching projects and possibilities out there that it can feel like there is just not enough time to do everything you want to do. I personally am very guilty of stocking up on supplies and patterns that I want to try, and so I need to make sure I am also actually working on them! If you aren’t sure how to stay on top of your stitching UFOs and bring them to completion, these three simple tips will help you chip away at them bit by bit!
Tip 1: Store your UFOs in one easy-to-access place.
When I realized I had half-finished embroidery projects stored in five or six different places around my house, I knew I needed to consolidate. It had become easy to forget about what I started working on and put aside for months (or years 😬) because the projects weren’t regularly in front of me. So I simply picked up a decorative bin for storing my UFOs. I also keep this bin right in my main living space. Because it’s decorative, it doesn’t look out-of-place, yet my project mess is hidden. The bin is also near the living room where I relax in the evenings and I can quickly grab something to work on while I watch TV or listen to music.
I store my stitching UFOs in a decorative bin where I like to relax. It’s easy to grab a project when I have time and put it back in its place when I’m not working on it.
Tip 2: Put the projects that are closest to being completed at the top of your pile.
You may be familiar with the idea that paying off credit cards should be done by tackling the smallest amount of debt. Finishing UFOs is kind of similar, but more fun! What that means is put at the top of your UFO pile the projects that are easiest to complete or closest to being finished, and bang them out first. I recently did this with a pair of pajama shorts I started sewing two years ago. All I had to do was run the elastic through them, but I forgot about them because they weren’t in an easy-to-notice spot! So once I had them in my UFO bin, I grabbed them off the top and finished them in no time. When you can finish off small projects, it’s really gratifying because you quickly feel like you’re making progress and that gives you the motivation to move on to more involved projects.
A peek inside my bin. I put the projects that are easiest to finish at the top of my UFO pile.
Tip 3: Use the time you have.
Like me, you probably have more time some weeks for your stitching projects than others, but the great thing about embroidery is that you can work on it little by little, even if it’s only 15 minutes here or there. Don’t wait until you have a couple of hours free to have a crafting extravaganza, rather work on your UFOs bit by bit. Like the story of the tortoise and the hare, even if you are working slowly on your projects due to time constraints, you’ll make steady progress if you keep at it. If it’s a bigger project you’re working on, break it down into smaller parts that you can tackle incrementally and you’ll get there!
If I’m consistently working through my UFOs, I don’t feel so bad about adding more projects to my to-stitch list! And we all know it’s hard to resist looking forward to our next stitching adventure. 😉